Contact Page

I've been doing genealogy for over a decade, and am a history buff. My own direct line family history has deep roots in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. My extended family has left a paper trail in almost every province and territory in Canada.

I am PLCGS certified both in General Methodology and Canadian Records from the NIGS. I'll soon be hanging out my shingle for professional services. I currently am an indexer/transcriber for the British Columbia Genealogical Society, Toronto Branch of Ontario Ancestors, Family Search, and Ancestry's World Archives Project.

Born in Toronto, I resided in different parts of Ontario until 2017. I now live in Fort St. John, British Columbia. I worked for the same retail company for over 25 years in Ontario. The job that pays for genealogy now is in the insurance industry.

Among my other talents is being a font of useless information. I'm a master at trivia games, because that's the only place where the knowledge really comes in handy.

You can contact me at:

twitter: @fycanadianstory


  1. Education resources ... a wonderful reminder of the value and accessibility of these publications. Some years ago, I found a list of my elementary school teachers (including the "real" names of the nuns who tried to teach me). I have several ancestors who taught in Ontario schools -- I will make use of your suggestions and your reminder that these records are generally available. Thanks!
